Kerrie Fitzgibbon
My entry into painting started about twenty years ago.
My first foray was Water painting and a fabulous tutor, Ria Van Royan.
From Water Colour I moved to Oils and did several terms at Passion For Painting in Christchurch.
I then was tutored by a wonderful Artist, Toni Duffy.
Together we worked on both Oils and Acrylics.
Earthquakes hit Chch . The joy of life changed as well and I just stopped painting .
We moved full time to the Westcoast and life was incredibly busy.
Painting simply was not something I could make time for.
Then… Covid happened.
Time was something I certainly had … as well as a cupboard full of paints and canvas.
I started experimenting once again and the passion returned but I was very rusty.
I then heard of an amazing artist called Barry Wright who was doing some tutorials.
I sent him a photo of my latest work and asked if he would consider working with me.
For some amazing reason he said … yes.
Barry has totally transformed the way I think about my art and given me so much encouragement.
My passion is right back and I paint wherever I am.
I therefore work again with all mediums as oil is not good to travel with.
I enjoy painting many different subjects but lately mainly landscapes.
I have always sold my work privately but I am so proud and grateful to now be able to exhibit my work locally with Carla at Colours of the Coast.